Case Study: Jamming Out

  • Nov 28, 2021

A shopping mall was holding a summer promotion to increase traffic during typically slower months. Visitors to the complex were given a “passport” to take to different stores within the mall for stamps to win prizes. The facility was looking for items that would have broad appeal from a recognizable brand that would make the prize more desirable.

They chose the Jam® Chill Out Bluetooth® Speaker as one prize option because of the popularity of the brand, the compact size, and appeal to their target demographics. They imprinted the speakers with the promotion logo and it ended up being one of the most popular prizes. The mall monitored hashtags tied to the promotion on social media and found the speaker to be the most mentioned and photographed prize by participants.


Source: BIC Graphic

  • Category: Case Studies
  • Tags: Case Study, Promotional Products, BIC Graphic, Jam Speaker, Shopping